
Peer Mentoring

What They Were Looking For: Peer Mentoring 

When a woman reaches out to us at Firefly Sisterhood, whether to become a Guide or to be matched with one, she comes with myriad life experiences and a unique breast cancer story. From the beginning, we have been committed to hearing these stories, to really listening to each woman’s narrative, with the ultimate goal of fostering connections that are meaningful and valuable. We aim to create a personalized match where the women connect based not only on diagnosis and treatment but also on similar life circumstances.

The most important aspect of creating a Firefly connection is learning what priorities a recently diagnosed woman has for her match. Just as each woman’s story is unique, so are the qualities and circumstances that are especially valuable to her.

Hear what these women facing a breast cancer diagnosis say they were looking for in a Guide. https://soundcloud.com/user-298534622/what-they-were-looking-for


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