
Survivorship Care Plan: What is it? Do I have one?

You’ve faced a cancer diagnosis. Perhaps you’re in the middle of active treatment or maybe you’ve completed treatment. You might still be under the care of your oncologist or, if you’re further out from your diagnosis and the circumstances allow, your oncologist may have transferred your care to your primary care physician. So, what’s next? How do you ensure the details of your cancer treatment are documented and updated, and who will receive this information? What about a plan for your health and well-being? How do you manage necessary follow-up care?

In 2006, the Institute of Medicine issued a report recommending that all cancer patients receive a personalized survivorship care plan. This plan should include guidelines for monitoring and maintaining a patient’s health in the hopes that no one is “lost in transition” once treatment is complete. Over the past decade, cancer-related organizations, health systems, and other relevant groups have created Survivorship Care Plans with the goal of improving the quality of care for survivors as they move beyond active cancer treatment.

As you might imagine, these care plans differ broadly in their definition, quality, and depth. Similarly, health systems, clinicians, and patients use them in widely varying degrees. Some plans are meant to be filled out by a physician. Others are created for a patient to take control of recording details and facilitating discussion with her doctor, helping her to manage follow up care, and suggesting strategies for health and wellness.

You may already have a Survivorship Care Plan in place and, hopefully, understand its components and your role. If not, this could be a great opportunity to be an advocate for yourself and have an open discussion with your doctor. You can review a few examples of care plans from American Cancer Society (a few different options), Minnesota Cancer Alliance, National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, and Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Your health and well-being are worth it!

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